Steve Cordon

The Key to access the Heavenly Riches Part 1: How to handle Time

Steve Cordon • 9 de febrero de 2023


“So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else’s property, who will give you property of your own?" Luke 16: 11-12

There is something simple that I have been learning and wanted to share with you about this verse to have access to the treasures of Heaven.  Another version reads: “who will trust you with the true riches of heaven?”.   That is to say, there are worldy wealthies that we need to administer and be faithfull to be able to have access to the true wealthies, the eternal ones, the ones have a real value.  The wealthies that are for us to administer correctly here on earth are two things: time and money.  If we administer correctly time and money, God will trust us the heavenly riches which are His People.  People are the most valuable riches to God.  The souls of people are eternal.


We are going to talk about "Time" in this article.  Time in finite and we have to learn how to handle it.  If we want God to prosper us by giving us people to take care of them, that those people come to our churches to help us, and those who God wants us to serve, to restore, to lift them up, we have to learn to handle very good our time and the people's time too.  In Jeremiah and Ezequiel, we repeteadly see how God confronted the shepherds of Israel because they lost themselves; they went after their own greed and desires: the kind of leaders that go after the people's resources for their own benefit and don't care about people's lives.

When handling our time, we have to take into consideration several things: 

  • 1.  The time we dedicate to God.  Spending time with God is so important that we should take it so seriously as the most important appointment that we can have in a week.  If we had an appointment with the president of a company or the nation, or someone very important, we mark it on our calendar, we put it aside, and move everything around because it cannot be touched.  We can't reach the level of communication with God that we need if we don't respect the time that we have to spend with Him.  We must put aside and sanctify a time exclusively to worship, search His Word, pray to listen to His voice and His directions.


  1. 2.  We must respect people's time, the ones with whom we serve, and share time.  We can't use more time from them than what is really necessary, because we are robbing their time that they could be using for something else.  We must not extend things, or make them shorter.  There are occasions when people and situations require our time and we have to be generous and good administors of the time we give to someone.  If we are doing what God sent us to do, somehow, we will see how He provides the resources.  We don't have to dedicate 30 or 40% of our time, effort, message, air space, or activities to collect money.


  1. 3.  The time we dedicate to our family is also highly important.  The time that we spend with our family must be of quality.  We have to set aside time to go out, rest, and share; we need to administer that time and rest upon the promise that God will provide and will take care of our worries and needs.


We have to learn to get rid of things that take our time away, and if we administer it well, then God will provide the riches of Heaven.  The necessary people who will help us will come when we repect people's time, respect our time with God, respect also the time to do worthy things.  God will provide the people to delegate tasks, but if want to do everything, don't delegate on anyone, we don't trust anyone, and we are messy, then God cannot trust us with His people because we will make their lives complicated. 

In summary, we have to find a balance and provide enough time for each thing because our objective isn't to preach a great message.  Our objective is that people learn the Word of God and apply it to their lives; that people find Jesus, leave with something that they can practice and receive a touch from the Holy Spirit.  


In the following article, we will be talking about another wordly wealth, Money. Press here to read it.

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Steve Cordon


Ayudo a líderes, pastores y empresarios Cristianos a hacer CRECER sus organizaciones y LIDERAR mejor.

I help Christian leaders, pastors and entrepreneurs to GROW their organizations and LEAD better.

Creo proyectos y contenidos para que la gente crezca en su Fe y se acerque a Dios. 

I create projects and content so that people grow in their Faith and come closer to God.

por Steve Cordon 9 de febrero de 2023
“So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else’s property, who will give you property of your own?" Luke 16: 11-12 In this second article, we will be talking about “Money” . You can read the first one that talks about “ Time” , pressing here .
por Steve Cordon 1 de marzo de 2023
“El camino de los justos es como la primera luz del amanecer que brilla cada vez más hasta que el día alcanza todo su esplendor.” Proverbios 4:18 

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