Steve Cordon

Three areas the enemy wants to tempt you if you are a worshiper and businessman

Steve Cordon • 9 de marzo de 2022


Undoubtedly, God at this time is using and equipping entrepreneurs, those who have a burning passion for creativity and invention, with a spirit of conquest.

Undoubtedly, God at this time is using and equipping entrepreneurs, those who have a burning passion for creativity and invention, with a spirit of conquest. Everything God puts into their hands gets multiplied and blessed for the expansion of the Kingdom.


I am sure that the vision and goals of these people are not only to earn money but to bring changes and blessings to all those around them because God has called them to be instruments and disruptive leaders in the field where they are. Unfortunately, I can say that many of the entrepreneurs believe in God, but few of them are worshipers, and business is where true worshipers are forged because this is where they spend most of their time.


Worship is an instrument that people associate with music or something specific that usually occurs only in a church context. However, worship is not about religion but an intimate and personal relationship. It is directly related to our identity as children of God; it is the disposition of our heart to want to please and honor God with everything we do, everything we think, and everything we are.


"Your role is to be an entrepreneur, and your identity is to be a worshiper."

Jesus was the most successful entrepreneur of the history because he had in His hands the most important business with eternal value. Jesus undertook this project with all the challenges that this implied, being God, took the form of a man and resisted many temptations that Satan provoked against Him.

Beware of the temptations that Satan wants to bring into your life and react the same way that Jesus did. Mathew 4: 1-11


Today I want to share with you three areas in which the enemy wants to tempt you if you are an entrepreneur:


In times of need: "Man shall not live on bread alone."


The enemy will drive you to do things that will meet a need, and Jesus tests you to bring out the best in you. Maybe you are going through a difficult time, where your business is not good, where things did not go as you thought and expected, and you are in a trial where you have to raise your faith level and seek God more, and that would be the answer that God expects from you through this trial.


  • Getting closer to God
  • Looking for Him
  • Believing more in Him
  • Don't be hopeless, and faith growth


Decide to wait on God and don't do the wrong thing just to supply the need.


In your decisions: "Never try to make God fall into a trap."


Your decisions are a battlefield in which you decide to honor God or not. When you turn your back on God, you will not have His favor, and that's extremely dangerous. Satan can make you see many things that seem great, but the result is fatal and can lead you to failure. We have to love what God loves and hate what He hates.


In honor: "Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only."


Satan will always want to elevate your ego, and he will try to take you to a top so that you fill up with greed, but let me tell you, that kind of life always brings no satisfaction because you will always want more and more, but you will never be satisfied; that will make you Satan's slave.


Worshiping God sets you free, but worshiping Satan makes you a slave, and you become a slave of your company or business, and you only live for that, without being able to see that you are destroying your life, your family, your friends.


"If God's favor is with you, it is not compared to anything or anyone because no client can give you what God can."


If you want to have the victory in everything you do, your businesses and projects, you need to be a man or woman willing to obey and honor God because your achievements do not depend on what people say, they depend on the purpose of God, who protects and keeps you ready to fulfill his call.


"Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth."


John 4:23 NIV


God is looking in you and me for true worshipers!

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Steve Cordon


Ayudo a líderes, pastores y empresarios Cristianos a hacer CRECER sus organizaciones y LIDERAR mejor.

I help Christian leaders, pastors and entrepreneurs to GROW their organizations and LEAD better.

Creo proyectos y contenidos para que la gente crezca en su Fe y se acerque a Dios. 

I create projects and content so that people grow in their Faith and come closer to God.

por Steve Cordon 9 de febrero de 2023
“So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else’s property, who will give you property of your own?" Luke 16: 11-12 In this second article, we will be talking about “Money” . You can read the first one that talks about “ Time” , pressing here .
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“El camino de los justos es como la primera luz del amanecer que brilla cada vez más hasta que el día alcanza todo su esplendor.” Proverbios 4:18 

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