Steve Cordon

. . . . . : : : : : TAKE THE RIGHT BUS : : : : : . . . . . to prosper and reach your destiny

Steve Cordon • 28 de diciembre de 2022


I would like to begin with an anecdote...

A woman stands in front of a bus station and thinks “should I take a bus or a cab? If I take a cab, it won’t matter. If I take a bus, there will be 2 options: either I sit or I stand. If I stand, it won’t matter. If I sit, there will be 2 options: either I sit by a boy, or I sit by a girl. If I sit by a girl, it won’t matter. If I sit by a boy, there will be 2 options: either we will fall in love, or we won’t fall in love. If we don’t fall in love, it won’t matter. If we fall in love, there will be 2 options: either we get married and have children or we don’t get married and don’t have any children. If we don’t get married, it won’t matter. If we get married and have kids, there will be 2 options: either we have a boy or we will have a girl. If we have a girl, it won’t matter. If we have a boy, there will be 2 options: either he will join the army or he will not join the army. If he doesn’t join the army, it won’t matter. If he joins the army, there will be 2 options: either he fights and die, or fights and doesn’t die. If he fights and doesn’t die, it won’t matter. If he fights and die – hmm – Shouldn’t it be better to take a cab? 

There are so many people worried for things that really don’t matter, right? We worry for other things, and after a while, we realize we ended up in a place where we didn’t want to be, in the wrong destination.

But what we really should be worried about in the bus station of life is to take the bus that will take us to the correct destination.



The problem is that if you don’t know where you’re going, if you don’t have a clear idea of where your destiny is, then you’ll make decisions that will take you away from your dreams and will end up in the wrong place… Or maybe you will marry the wrong person, or listen to wrong voices, and take a bad advice, or you’ll be surrounded by the wrong people, and spend your time in activities that will take you away from what God has prepared for you, etc., etc., etc.

So, we can be good dreamers: good to wish that things happen, good to generate ideas and great projects; but there is a big difference between being a dreamer or becoming a visionary: having a plan to fulfill a vision. A vision is a clear description of what you want to achieve and a plan to make it happen.

Now, the Bible says in 

Proverbs 16:9 (NLT): 

“We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.”.

Therefore, to be able to really reach the correct destination, achieve a vision, change from being a dreamer to accomplish purposes and full lives, we need to dream the dreams of God and follow His plan.

As we read in the book of Proverbs, there are specific steps, such as: careers, a type of service, friends, mentors, relations, activities, etc., which are part of His plan to carry you to your destiny, but the only way to succeed and witness progress and blessings in your path and your journey is His presence in your life. Without His presence, God will not place His dreams and His plans in you. You will be dreaming and planning on your own, guided by other voices, by the means of this world, o by lies and traps from your enemy to deviate and destroy you.

Many people pay attention to the economic aspect to know if they are prospering or not, or to define success in someone, but you can prosper economically under the covering and will of God or outside it. That is why prosperity is neither an indicator of holiness nor God’s blessing. God prospers his children if they walk under His principles. The unjust can prosper on their own effort, and yet, be wicked and not count on God’s favor.

Proverbs 10:22 (NLT):

“The blessing of the Lord makes a person rich, and he adds no sorrow with it.”

Prosperity or abundance always add something. If it comes from God, it will add fruit from God. If it comes from the world, then you will receive worldly fruit and all its consequences.

When you are prospered and promoted by God when you are walking in the correct path towards your destiny, your blessing will reach many people, and it will be abundant. When you do it with your own strength, the blessing is just for yourself and sooner or later, it will perish. And this happens in everything, not only the financial area. 

You and I need the presence of God in all the areas of our lives. The real purpose, the success, and prosperity come from having it.

3 John 1:2-3 (NLT):

"Dear friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit. Some of the traveling teachers[b] recently returned and made me very happy by telling me about your faithfulness and that you are living according to the truth.”. (Another version says: “ Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers”).

Prosperity is a wholeness, is the fruit of our faithfulness towards the destiny that God has prepared for us, of honoring Him in each step that we take, of enjoying His presence in everything that we do and wherever we go.

Success is not the same as achieving big things or earning a lot of money; it has to do with being faithful to the plan that God has for you, whatever it may be, and reach your destiny.

So let me do a reverse engineering (a term used in technology), of this process to learn how to experience the fulness of God’s presence that take us to our destiny and to be prospered in everything, with 4 keys:

4. The key to prosperity and the destiny is the PRESENCE OF GOD.

2 Samuel 6:11, 12 (NLT):

“The Ark of the Lord remained there in Obed-edom’s house for three months, and the Lord blessed Obed-edom and his entire household. Then King David was told, “The Lord has blessed Obed-edom’s household and everything he has because of the Ark of God.” So David went there and brought the Ark of God from the house of Obed-edom to the City of David with a great celebration".

If God is with you, you will prosper, because He prospers everything He does. If God is with you, you’ll keep on moving forward; you’ll not be able to avoid being blessed. Even those who don’t know the Lord can recognize when the favor of God is over someone. You need the presence of God with you always.

3. The key to the presence of God is OBEDIENCE.

John 14:15 (NLT):

" If you love me, obey my commandments."

If you obey God, He will be with you. If you really want to prosper, you must be able to obey God. On the contrary, lack of obedience leads to destruction. Your attitude is highly important; it is not about obeying because it is convenient, but by conviction and love, wanting and willing to obey. He wants our hearts and not the exterior acts. Salvation is a gift from God, but His blessings require our obedience to His commandments.  Our level of obedience is the true indicator of our level of love and commitment with Him.

 2. The key of obedience is FAITH.

 Hebrews 11:1 (NLT):

" Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.". (And the following verses narrate everything that the great men and women of faith did out of obedience to God because of their Faith in Him and His promises).

If we really believe, then, it’s easy to obey. We don’t have to fight to be obedient if our faith is true. All we do requires Faith: Faith = Belief.  

 James 2:17 (NLT):

"So you see, faith by itself isn't enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless."

You have to live by faith; it requires obedience and complete confidence in God and we live and do by faith; that is to say, according to his Word and his Promises.

1.     The key to faith is TO HEAR the Word of God

Romans 10:17 (NLT):

"So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ." (other versions read: "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God").

First you listen, and then, put it in motion; that is how faith is born.  The more you hear it, the more Faith you will have. There must be abundant Word within you to make your faith grow. You have to read, listen, write, memorize, learn the Word of God. Practice it in daily situations, using verses and promises of God as your weapons against any enemy and challenge.  Meditate on it; that is to say, read it carefully and pray to the Holy Spirit that He speaks to you and reveal what He wants to say to you, taking enough time to read and listen.

So, I want to reaffirm this to you: God can and is willing to bless you.

But again, here are the keys:

+ Word > + Faith > + Obedience > + Presence of God > + true prosperity and success: this is your destiny.

(Say it to yourself: this is my destiny.)

We Hear > Believe > Obey > Achieve results.

Once more, remember this: Success is not achieving great things or earn a lot of money; success is to be faithfull to the God’s plan for you, whatever it may be, and reach your destiny.

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Steve Cordon


Ayudo a líderes, pastores y empresarios Cristianos a hacer CRECER sus organizaciones y LIDERAR mejor.

I help Christian leaders, pastors and entrepreneurs to GROW their organizations and LEAD better.

Creo proyectos y contenidos para que la gente crezca en su Fe y se acerque a Dios. 

I create projects and content so that people grow in their Faith and come closer to God.

por Steve Cordon 9 de febrero de 2023
“So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else’s property, who will give you property of your own?" Luke 16: 11-12 In this second article, we will be talking about “Money” . You can read the first one that talks about “ Time” , pressing here .
por Steve Cordon 1 de marzo de 2023
“El camino de los justos es como la primera luz del amanecer que brilla cada vez más hasta que el día alcanza todo su esplendor.” Proverbios 4:18 

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