Steve Cordon

True identity in Christ

Steve Cordon • 16 de mayo de 2022


When you know who you are, who you serve, who your Father is and how to behave, you know how to live and that your value before God does not depend on the approval of man.

Satan will always attack our identity, just as he tried to attack Jesus´ identity several times (Matthew 4:1-11) by saying: "If you are the son of God..." but Jesus knew very well who he was and kept firm on his purpose. If Jesus had given in to one of Satan's attacks, he would have stepped out of the covering and protection of his Heavenly Father.

The world today is going to say all kinds of things to steal our identity. It will take us to extremes and make us believe that we have no value, or that we have more value than others so that our ego rises. This is meant to confuse us and to separate us from the covering and will of God. But we must be firm as Jesus was. We must not let ourselves be swept away by circumstances or conveniences, but we must be grateful and value what we are in Christ (1 Peter 2:9).

The identity we have in Christ will firmly determine God´s character in each one of us, since character is a determination of life. The only one who can form a character under heavenly subjection is God himself. Character determines whether we resemble God and this will give us the foundation so that identity is centered on the divine purpose.

God's purpose was to give his children an identity formed in the character of his likeness and you must seek our Lord intimately in order to get to know that identity in Christ.

An extremely important aspect you must take into account to discover your identity in Christ is to know what your purpose is. When we remain in God's vision and in the duties He commanded us to do, we will find the resources, the favor, the protection and everything necessary to be able to carry it out. However, when we abandon His covering, we are left unprotected.

If you have not yet discovered your purpose, ask God for direction. He will show you the good works for which you were created and will teach you what you should do. Thus, you will find the covering, blessing and favor of God that will take you to the summit.

We are children of God and we must show constant gratitude, having the certainty that “for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose”. We have a wonderful and eternal purpose.

I am sure that God will do extraordinary things!

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Steve Cordon


Ayudo a líderes, pastores y empresarios Cristianos a hacer CRECER sus organizaciones y LIDERAR mejor.

I help Christian leaders, pastors and entrepreneurs to GROW their organizations and LEAD better.

Creo proyectos y contenidos para que la gente crezca en su Fe y se acerque a Dios. 

I create projects and content so that people grow in their Faith and come closer to God.

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